Healthy Outdoor and Indoor Fun Activities For Kids

Outdoor and Indoor Fun Activities For Kids
Childhood is a time where a person is free from all duties and responsibilities. Childhood is a very lovely phase of life where they crazy to explore and learn diverse things. A report reveals that consequential habits, character, behavior and moods are shaped during this stage. In this phase children often like to do distinct activities in their spare time. In kid's free time we can notice that some are productive and can develop certain skills while others are unproductive. In this phase, parents must have to keep an eye open to see that the children are doing healthy activities and if they perform health activities in their childhood, this will bring lifelong benefits. 
Parents by keeping a careful check on the past time activities of their children can help them in inculcating healthy habits early in life that. 
Here are some healthy activities for kids at home in their free time.


Gardening is a supper cool Activity for kids in their free time. Gardening promotes a sense of responsibility, love for nature and understanding in Kids. Parents should motivate their kids to do this activity because there are numerous benefits of it. It makes them more informative because they learn about various species of plants.


Regular Exercising makes children alert and active both mentally and physically. Exercising develops stronger willpower and improving blood circulation. School-going kids make exercise as an ideal past-time activity if they Inspired by their teachers as well as family members.

Bird watching

Bird watching consequently creates a soothing effect and gives immense pleasure. It Improves cardiovascular health and Hones patience skills also Obtain quicker reflexes.

Climb trees

While playing in parks, look for suitable trees and ask them to climb. This Children's free time activity is the simplest form of pleasure for many kids. Research reveals that climbing trees is a healthy exercise. It improves eye-hand coordination as well as motor movements of muscles.


Cycling has many health benefits. It is not only elongated limb bones that eventually increase height but also improves body posture. Every child loves to ride a bicycle, Provide an environment to ride cycling in kids' free time. 

Outdoor and Indoor Fun Activities For Kids

Collect Coins and Cards

Collecting coins and Cards is a beloved activity of almost every child. It is a hobby that not only gives them a sense of accomplishment but also develops in them the habit of saving money.

Dance For Fun

It is an activity which most of the children love to do in their spare time. Dancing makes kids more expressive and creative. This activity has many benefits including improved muscular strength, endurance and motor fitness. Condition of your heart and lungs, aerobic fitness, improved muscle tone and strength, stronger bones and reduced risk of osteoporosis, better coordination, agility and flexibility.

Solve Jigsaw puzzles

Jigsaw puzzles enhance children’s problem-solving ability, develops coordination, concentration and memorizing skills. Jigsaw puzzles an integral part of the constructive learning of toddlers as well as young children.

Read comic books

Every child likes to read comic books. It gives kids an opportunity to travel virtually while sitting at home. Reading enhances a child's inference and expands your child's bank of words. By reading comic books they turn reluctant readers into ravenous readers.

Visit historical monuments

Often Visit historical monuments this way they learn about the history of those ancient monuments which eventually develop their knowledge base. Historical monuments are a treasure chest of information.

Maintain diary

Maintain a diary is an interesting activity for kids to do at home. Maintaining a diary is an amazing habit that improves the writing skills of children. It develops a sense of responsibility also enhances their intelligence as well as an emotional quotient.


A study reveals that those Kids who paint regularly are more expressive in their creativity level and ability to handle the challenging situation. Children who do painting develop critical thinking skills in children and their eye-hand coordination improves. Painting is an ideal past-time activity for kids' free time. Parents can support their children and can help them polish this skill.

Watching Television

Television is a rich source of information and knowledge, on the other hand, it is full of consumerism and violence. There are hundreds of programs that are very helpful in the study and can polish their skills. Parents Should emphasize on children to watch informative channels which will help them in expanding their knowledge base.


Scrapbooking is a method where you can preserve, presenting and arranging personal and family history in the form of a book, box, and card. It is a great thing for kids to do at home.

Scrapbooking is attracted every child. Kids often like to preserve their painting, crafting, memories and notes in a scrapbook. Children like to decorate the pages with colors and stuff to make them more appealing. Scrapbooking results in the enhancement of creativity and memory also can make the brain more active and alert.


Take help of your children to prepare meals, it develops their coordination. When they participate in chopping, ingredients measurement and reading the recipe they develop the ability to memorize. Be very careful check should be kept because cooking alone can be dangerous.

Play board games

As we know Playing board games increases brain function, socializing and teaches us how to set goals and be patient. Every child likes to play Chess, ludo, a monopoly in their free time but parents should make their child understand the pros and cons of excessively playing board games.

I make a list of activities to do with kids in my free time. I thought it would be useful to list some ways to have fun with your kids in their free time.

Memory games
Hide and seek
Kick the can
Paint or decorate the kids’ room.
Do a science experiment.
Play games online.
Teach them to play chess.
Learn magic tricks.
Create a family book, with information and pictures about each family member.
Fly kites.
Go jogging.
Build paper airplanes and have a flying contest.
Take pictures of nature.
Play soccer.
Paint or draw together.
Create a fort in your living room out of blankets or cardboard boxes.
Go on a hike.
Have a sunset picnic at a park or beach.
Play board games.
Play kickball.
Get up early, pack breakfast, and have a sunrise breakfast.
Go to a museum.
Go to a playground.
Play hide-and-seek.
Have a pillow fight.
Play a trivia game.
Makeup trivia questions about each other.
Decorate the house with decorations you make.
Do shadow puppets.
Make a comic book.
Play in the rain if raining
Go for Donate stuff to charity.
Play loud music and dance crazy.
Paint each other's faces.
Have a water balloon fight.
Have a gunfight with those foam dart guns.
Explore your yard and look for insects.
Go for a walk and explore the neighborhood.
Make mud pies.
Blow bubbles.
Take turns saying tongue twisters.
Sing songs.
Tell ghost stories in the dark with a flashlight.
Give them a bubble bath.
Play video games together.
Play Wiffle ball.
Play nerf football.
Build a rocket from a kit.
Bake a cake and decorate it.
Make a gingerbread house or decorate gingerbread men.
Learn and tell each other jokes.
Play basketball.
Learn to juggle.
Walk barefoot in the grass and pick flowers.
Prank calls their grandparents, using disguised, humorous voices.
Write stories together.
Tell stories.
Make mazes or puzzles for each other to solve.
Play card games.
Garden together.
Have a reading marathon.
Bake cookies (let the kids help).
Go to the zoo.
Go to the library.
Shop at a thrift shop.
Create a blog together.
Create a scrapbook.
Make a movie using a camcorder and computer.
Learn to play music.
Finger paint.
Make playdough from scratch.
Make homemade mini pizzas.
Go to a pool.
Go to a public place, people watch and make up imaginary stories about people.

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