Motivational Techniques to workout in 2021


Let’s be honest for how long a sexier physique has been in your New Year resolution?

I’ll workout from today, Okay tomorrow, Monday is confirmed - No, I meant the next Monday.

And the day never comes.

Though deep inside, we know the importance of working out, yet we delay. We crave to look

good, yet we don’t take the necessary actions. We wish to be healthy and fit, but we don’t give

what it takes.

You see, we are lacking something here. But what is it?

It’s MOTIVATION; we are missing the motivation.

When we look for a particular result and do little about achieving it, it is a sign of lack of motivation.

And they say, “lack of motivation is your biggest enemy.”

Alright, we know what the problem is, but how do we solve it?

Okay, here’s the best part – The Solution.

In this blog post, I’ll share with you my secret tips and techniques to motivate yourself to workout.

1.    Believe in yourself

Before we start, let me tell you one thing, You are a wonderful person, and you have an amazing personality; you can do wonders - You are born to do marvelous things – Never forget that! And do not underestimate yourself ever.

You can run miles over miles; you can do sit-ups, push-ups, chin-ups, and what else not - if only you decide once. 

There is nothing in the world you can’t achieve, have faith in yourself and let the wonders happen.

2.    Think about the results: 

There will be times when you’ll find it hard to continue, you’ll feel like giving up that is the time you must think about the end, imagine about the beautiful result you’ll get after all this ado – Ask yourself, “Why am I running this mile?”, “Why am I doing these Push-ups?” “Why this all trouble for?”, “What would get I get after it?” and the most important one – “why did I start it?”

These powerful questions will remind you of your purpose and will keep you on track.

body workout

3.    Initially, take smaller steps

The best way to climb the Mount Everest is climbing it in smaller steps, If you focus on reaching the top of the mountain it would be harder for you and your brain would be like, “are you kidding, you are not an athlete”, and you’ll give in without even trying – climbing 8848.86 meters is not a piece of cake; therefore the best strategy is taking smaller steps, i.e. moving x meters in y amount of time following with a break of z period and hence it’ll be a lot easier to climb the highest mountain of the world.

While running the mile focus on completing the first 200 meters and then the other 200 meters and then another.

Taking smaller steps at a time will help you achieve great results. This technique has done wonders for most of the athletes and will do for you as well.

Remember the only person who can change your life is you – start taking smaller steps everyday because every new day is another chance to change your life.

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