5 Exercises to reduce belly fat

Exercises to reduce belly fat

Are you tired of pushing your stomach inside in front of your friends?

A big belly is a sign of poor health, which may lead to many fatal diseases.

And The best time to reduce that big belly is RIGHT NOW!

What’s in the article

The best method to reduce belly method.     

What Exercises are best to reduce belly fat: 

Running or walking:                                     


Vertical leg exercises                                    

Abdominal crunches:                                    



The best method to reduce belly fat

Experts believe that reducing belly fat with exercise is the fastest method. Exercise with a proper diet can give you results at a tenfold speed.

Exercise has multiple advantages other than reducing belly fat.

People who regularly exercise are not only found smarter and healthier but also away from many ailments.

What Exercises are best to reduce belly fat

You can find thousands of exercises across the internet, but certain exercises are specifically made to target specific body parts.

Therefore, In order to reduce belly fat, we must focus on exercises explicitly made for the belly.

Running or walking

Running or walking might seem simple but is a highly effective exercise, especially to reduce belly fat.

30 minutes of walk or 15 minutes run can burn up to 200 calories. It keeps you stay fit and lean. Walking along with a balanced diet can do wonders if you try to shed off some extra kilos.

Besides, it improves the heart rate and the metabolism system. And the best thing about this exercise is, you do not require any tools or equipment for it. The exercise helps cut fat from other areas of the body like the chest and thigh

Best time

A brisk walk in the fresh air of dawn helps reduce fat around the belly and improve overall mood. People habitual of jogging in the early morning remain happier throughout the day.


Cycling is another effective exercise to reduce belly fat. Cycling not just burns the belly fat but also helps get your heart rate better. It has a tendency to burn a significant amount of calories. Cycling helps to lose weight in your waist and thigh areas as well.

So start cycling with your kids. Go to nearby places. Be regular. This exercise has the power to change your body structure.

Vertical leg exercises

This exercise is amazing for your obliques and abs. It helps make the abs stronger, increase strength and stability, tone up the body and meltdown fat.

How to do

  • Lie down on your back.
  • Place your palms under your hips.
  • Raise your legs to a 90-degree angle.
  • Keep your legs straight up there, pointing to the roof.
  • Stay in that position for a moment, then slowly low down your legs back on the floor.

In this way, you can reduce a significant amount of fat in a shorter time.

Exercises to reduce belly fat

Abdominal crunches

Abdominal crunches are the quickest and most effective exercise to burn stomach fat. Crunches rank at the top among the fat-burning exercises.

How to do

  • Start by lying down flat on the floor.
  • Bent your knees while your feet are touching the ground.
  • Now place your hands behind your head.
  • Then push your head up with the force of your hands and then come back on the floor.
  • Keep checking your breathing pattern.
  • Repeat the cycle 10 to 15 times in a row.

This exercise will also be helpful in abs building by cutting the belly fat.


An overweight body is a sign of poor health. Fortunately, you can reduce unwanted fat with some great exercises without making extra efforts.

What time do you workout? Do let us know in the comments down below.

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