Your perfect guide to health | Morning fitness routine

Morning fitness routine

Max’s grandfather is a retired military officer, aged 62.

Max’s brother is a teenager aged 18.

One day Max’s grandfather and brother went fishing; as soon as they returned, his brother went to sleep, complaining he was too exhausted while his grandfather seemed completely fine.

Do you know why his grandfather is so fit and active?

Because even after retirement, he does his fitness regime every morning religiously.

And today, I’m going to reveal grandfather’s secret morning fitness routine with you.

Why morning?

You can do the fitness routine anytime in the day; since morning is the most important time of the day and the weather is also relatively cooler at this time; therefore, it will give you an extra advantage over the other times of the day.

Apart from this, the activities you perform in the morning will impact your whole day. For example, if you experience something awful in the morning, it would ruin your day. Likewise, if you are intimate with something good, you would feel its harmony. So it is essential to spend the early hours of the day doing something productive like exercise to give your mind and body peace, energy, and courage to kickstart the day.

Therefore, we recommend doing the fitness regime in the morning.

What type of exercise should I do?

Running or a morning walk: Running is a very effective way to mark the beginning of the day; running, jogging, or walking for about 6 to 10 minutes in the morning is very efficient. It fills your lungs with fresh oxygen and your soul with new energy, and the soft rays of the sun help you wake up.

Squats: Set your feet parallel, stand straight, wide your chest while looking at the front. Raise your hands 90° to your body. 

Now, slowly lower yourself down until your thighs and then stand up again. Repeat this cycle 8 to 10 times.Morning fitness routine

Push-ups: Lay down by putting your hands straight parallel to each other with your body held up at your arm’s length and your feet set together, making a shape of an inclined plane. Now, go down with your arms as long as you can and then come up again. Repeat this cycle 7 to 10 times.

Stretch: Stand straight, keep your hands on your hips, and rotate the left portion of your body towards the right in the clockwise direction, stretch, and come back to your initial state. Now, do the other side in the anticlockwise order, repeat this cycle 15 to 20 times.

This whole regime would only last for 15 to 20 minutes and give you marvelous results if continuously done.

Tell us, how do you see yourself in terms of fitness after five years?

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