Why these weight loss tips are so effective for teenagers?!

weight loss tips
As a teenager, we are quite self-conscious for our bodies. As we are growing old, we want to look the best; with a good diet plan, we not only can achieve a beautiful, slim and smart body but also, we can get happier and healthier. 

What we eat plays a significant role in our personality development and who we are. It is vital to habitually consume only good and healthy things as early as possible and teenage is undoubtedly the best time for it. As a teenager, our goal is not to exceed more than 2400 calories a day.

Today, I shall share with you a weight loss diet plan that has remarkable results.

Cut down your sugar intake:

The first thing you should do to achieve a thinner and linear body is minimized your sugar intake. Sugar contains a high number of calories; therefore, it is not considered very health-friendly.

We should only take the amount of sugar that is required to our body and leave out the extra because that extra would be stored as fat and may lead to diabetes and cholesterol types problems. 

From the age of 2 to 18, doctors recommend taking not more than 25 grams or six tablespoons of sugar every day.

Fruits: It might look strange, but some fruits may cause weight gain; therefore, it is important to know which fruits help in weight loss and which do not.

Fruits that possess a high amount of sugar should be avoided as they develop fat in the body and the fruits that are rich with fiber, minerals and vitamins are the ones we want.

Here is the list of fruits that contain a high amount of sugar:

  • Grapes
  • Mango
  • Banana
  • Pineapple
  • Watermelon
  • Pineapple

Here is the list of fruits that contain the least amount of sugar:

  • Grapefruit
  • Kiwi
  • Lemon
  • Lime
  • Tart barriers
  • Granny smith apple

We should include fruits that have low sugar in our balanced diet.

green tea

Green tea: Green tea contains caffeine and catechins; these two ingredients do wonders to boost metabolism and if we add a slice of lemon juice, it will give even better results to cut down belly fat. Green tea works as a detoxifier; it removes fat and other unwanted elements from our bodies. It has nutrients, minerals and antioxidants that possess many health benefits and may reduce fat.

Drinking between 2 to 3 mugs of green tea a day should be enough for supplementing weight loss. Green tea is packed full of  You can take green tea after having your meal; tea helps in digesting the meal.

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  1. Thanks for sharing such information

  2. Interesting post. I think it can be so easy to consume so much sugar and it is crazy to think how much sugar goes into some fruits (not to mention smoothies) although of course it is good in moderation.
