Get a healthy heart with these amazing exercises

healthy heart with these amazing exercises

What’s covered in the article

What is the best way to keep our hearts healthier?

Exercises for a healthy heart

    Brisk walking or running

        When to do

        How much


        When to do

        How much

    Working out with free weights

        How to do

        How much

    Yoga or Ti-Chi

        What does it do?


A healthy heart is the assurance of a long and wholesome life.

Keeping a healthy heart is not even strenuous. If you do these simple exercises regularly, your heart will remain young forever.

In order to live life to the fullest, our hearts must be healthy and active.

What is the best way to keep our hearts healthier?

Our heart is a muscle, and like every other muscle of our body, the heart gets stronger when we live an active life.

Studies tell us that people who don’t exercise are twice more likely to get heart disease than people who don’t exercise.

That means exercise can increase life expectancy up to double, isn’t that amazing?

Exercises for a healthy heart

You can’t beat a healthy heart ��

Here is a list of the best exercises you can perform daily to get an aerobic heart.

Brisk walking or running

Brisk walking or running improves blood circulation, which results in lowered blood pressure and heart rate.

When to do

The most reliable timing for brisk walk or running is early dawn or dusk – at this time, the sunlight is quite soft, and the atmosphere is relatively cold, making it the perfect time for exercise.

How much

Ideally, 25 to 30 minutes of walk or 10 to 15 minutes of run every day is quite good — 4 to 5 times per week.


Cycling is another good exercise to keep your heart healthy. It also improves blood circulation around the body, resulting in better blood pressure and heart rate.

When to do

An ideal time for this exercise would lightly luminous and slightly colder time of the day, that is, dawn or dusk.

How much

20 to 30 minutes of cycling every day, for five days in a row per week, is ideal.

Working out with free weights

This exercise is quite effective for body fat ( Which is one of the biggest threats to the heart) – it can help reduce all unwanted fat off the body.

How to do

For this exercise, you’ll require a few types of equipment like dumbbells or barbells. Keep these free weights in your hands and periodically push your hands up and down (for a complete guide, click here).

How much

Do a set of 8 to 10 repetitions with one hand and then do the same with the other hand. For one complete set, you’ll require 10 to 13 minutes. Do this exercise continuously five times a week.

Yoga or Ti-Chi

Yoga or Ti-Chi

Yoga and Ti-Chi keep your mind, body and soul calm. It strengthens your heart. As a result, the heart- rate improves tremendously, blood pressure reaches the most proficient point and overall health gets better.

What does it do?

They benefit musculoskeletal health, which enables you to stay flexible and free from joint pain, cramping and other muscular issues.

Click here for a detailed guide on how to do yoga for beginners.


The heart is the most important muscle of our body; therefore, it is crucial to take good care of it. Fortunately, we have some great exercises that can keep our health in check.

A healthy heart means healthier you.

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