Joint Rheumatism in Children, Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

Joint Rheumatism in Children

One of the movement system disorders seen in children is joint rheumatism. Joint rheumatism, especially in children around the age of 5, should be considered. Joint rheumatism in children can even cause blindness if not taken seriously.

At What Age Is The Joint Rheumatism In Children Most Common?

Joint rheumatism in children can usually be seen from infancy until the age of 18. There are seven subtypes of joint rheumatism. The most common subtype of joint rheumatism in children between the ages of 4-6 can spread to all ages. Apart from that, there are also subtypes seen in small children. However, the most disturbing for us is the type that can be seen in all age distributions, which we call systemic arthritis.

Which Symptoms Should Parents Pay Attention To Whether A Child Has Joint Rheumatism?

 Symptoms of joint rheumatism in youngsters vary in line with age teams Most common complaints; Swelling in the joints of the child in the playing age period, inability to use the joints very comfortably, an increase in temperature on the joints, redness, limping if in the knee, and not being able to use that joint very skillfully, especially in the mornings. Mothers understand this for children who are too young to express themselves. For example, the child, who was comfortable before when changing the diaper, starts to cry due to the inflammation in his knee or hip while moving it.

What Kind of Precautions Should Mothers and Fathers Take to Prevent Joint Rheumatism in Children?

Joint rheumatism is diverse and some of them are not known to be caused; Therefore, it is not possible to prevent it. But if we talk about rheumatic fever, that is, if we talk about heart rheumatism as it is called in colloquial language, the reason for this is very clear. The disease occurs as a late result of the beta microbe. Antibiotic treatment can be applied to prevent this. You have 9 days from the onset of the complaints and the treatment performed within that period will prevent the beta microbe from damaging the heart valves.

What Diseases Occur If Precaution Is Not Taken?

The most important is the eye problem. May cause blindness in the eyes. Apart from that, there are diseases that start in the form of joint rheumatism. For example, TB typically presents as joint rheumatism. Colitis and cancers can also occur in this way. Cancer in a child with swollen joints is a common occurrence in us. Psoriasis can also start with joint ailments.

What Should A Child With Joint Rheumatism Pay Attention To After Treatment?

First of all, he should not restrict his life. Because our first priority in treatment is to give the child an old quality of life. He should do his exercises regularly. Because, in children with joint rheumatism, muscle-melting may occur due to not being used. On the other hand, when there is joint rheumatism in the leg joints, more blood goes to that joint. As the child grows up, spurious growth occurs in the area that receives more blood, which results in a difference in height between the two legs. The arm or leg that grows more in the early period may actually be shorter in the long term, namely at the age of 18-20. As a result of the inflammation of the joint, the two bones may be fused to each other. Exercising, regular use if physical therapy is given, can help to eliminate such complaints.

Joint Rheumatism in Children

What is the Difference Between Growing Pains and Joint Rheumatism Pain?

Growing pains usually occur at night and are pains that awaken the child from sleep. When you say show the child the pain, it doesn't point to his joint. It shows the point on the bone we call the shinbone, between the knee and the ankle. These pains usually respond immediately to either rubbing or a single dose of pain reliever.

In Which Joints Are Pain Most Common?

The most commonly affected joints are the knee joints, and the joints that are involved after that are the large joints, namely hand joints, hips and ankles. It is seen that the jaw joint can also be involved. This can cause serious problems in the long term; because it may cause the jaw to protrude.

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