The Most Common Mistakes in Yoga

 The Most Common Mistakes in Yoga

The Most Common Mistakes in Yoga
The Most Common Mistakes in Yoga

Do you know what mistakes are made most when practicing yoga?

Of course, it is not possible not to make mistakes in Yoga, as in everything else. However, if we continue without realizing our mistakes and trying to correct them, we may benefit less from our work and be injured. Yoga; application practice. We should aim at continuous improvement, not perfection.

In this article, we tried to focus on the main Yoga mistakes. Remember, it is a shame not to know but not to learn ... :)

Holding Your Breath

We hold our breath, especially in difficult postures, but we don't even notice it. It is not right to hold a breath. Because when we hold our breath, our muscles cannot get the oxygen they need to get stronger. In other words, we are losing power while trying to gain strength by holding our breath to overcome the difficult movement ... :) What we need to do is to continue breathing without constantly interfering.

Trying Too Hard to Do

The saying "There is no pain, there is no success" does not apply to Yoga ... Yoga should not be painful. We must discover the limits of our body with awareness and work without pushing these limits too far. Forcing it too many causes injury and further disrupts our work. It is necessary to be neither forced nor comfortable in such a way that it does not improve at all. Balanced, patient and steady work will bring improvement.

Comparing Yourself with Others

We have been forced to adapt to a system in which we compete in every field. However, there is no competition in Yoga. During a Yoga class, it may feel very far at first to take care of only ourselves, only to watch our own body and thoughts. However, each person's capacity, past experience and working time are different. Your criterion for improvement is not others, be yourself ..

Coming to Class with a Full Stomach

During yoga practice, the stomach must be empty. It is best to settle for a light meal at least 2 hours in advance. Physical postures and breathing exercises that we do with a digesting stomach not only reduce the benefits of Yoga but also give us a feeling of discomfort, which will reduce our concentration and make it difficult to focus.

Dressing Uncomfortable Clothes While

practicing yoga, you should wear comfortable, loose clothes rather than stretch and short clothes that tighten the body. In order to make it easier to turn in during the lesson, we should not think about straightening our heads or how tight our tights are ...

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