Stress is harmful: This is how you can defeat it.

Stress is harmful

Stress is a harmful condition, and it is getting more common with time. Youth is especially affected by this ailment. Therefore, it is quite important to know about this problem, its causes, and how to get rid of it.

Experts say physical or emotional tensions are the root causes of stress. Your boss is calling, but you don’t know what to say to him! Your assignment is not ready yet! You cannot work in this noise, and tomorrow is the deadline! Exams are heading nearer – these are the feelings of nervousness, frustration, and anxiety; and these are the main reason for stress.

Stress is a response to a challenge by your mind and body. Ideally, it should be minimum.

In the words of Joan Borysenko, the best-selling author and public speaker, “Every day brings a choice: to practice stress or to practice peace”.

In simpler words, it is merely your choice whether you choose stress or you choose peace.

Today, I’ll tell you how you can choose peace over stress, anxiety, and pain.

How to stop stressing:

Do Meditation: Meditation is the most powerful tool to relax your soul and body; Practising meditation every day helps to keep your mind relaxed and calm and eliminates stress and anxiety.

How to do meditation: Find a peaceful environment, sit down and remove all kinds of thoughts and imaginations from your mind. Now take deep breaths, focus on your breath, feel it, the way it enters from your nose into your body and gets out. Focus on the gap between inhaling and exhaling. do this practice for minimum 5 to 10 minutes.

Yoga: Yoga is a combined practice of physical and mental exercise. It brings harmony between soul and body. It is another powerful mind-relaxing tool as it provides peace to your mind.

Performing yoga every day leads to a healthier lifestyle and resists every trace of stress and pain.

How to do yoga: There are plenty of ways to perform yoga; you can add or remove a few steps here and there depending upon your age, gender and health.

A typical Yoga includes the following steps:

  • Plank
  • Warrior II
  • Warrior III
  • Twisted chair
  • Bow

Plank Warrior II Warrior III Twisted chair Bow

Here is a free and very easy tip to stay stress-free:
If you have a strict schedule and cannot invest your time and energy, we have a solution for that as well.

Laughing is an excellent cure for stress. Science has proved that a person having a habit of laughing is less vulnerable to heart attack, anxiety attacks, or stress attacks.

All you need is to find an excuse to laugh, or grin without any reason, who cares?

Have you listened to the saying, “Meet the challenges with a smiling face”

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