Most effective home remedies to cure cold at home

home remedies

So, the Winters are here, and the first snowfall is the most romantic time of the year; 

it brings joy and happiness to every face. It is an unforgettable moment. With winter comes Christmas, New Year, and yes, the snowman. But do you know what else comes with the winter? It is cold! The cold might easily catch you in winters, and you would certainly not want to miss all the fun ending up spending the beautiful season in bed. 

Trouble does not warn before arriving. Therefore, if you feel any symptoms of cold or flu, especially the mild ones at starting, do not take them too easily because that is when you can cure it effortlessly and quickly – once it becomes stronger with time, it will only worsen. Today I will share the top three most effective tips to cure a cold at home.

1.    Use Honey:

Honey is a gift of nature. It is a sweet, viscous fluid made by Honeybees from various flowers and plants. Honey had been used as a traditional medicine throughout the centuries by the ancient Chinese, Romans, Greeks and the Egyptians to cure a cold, cough and many other diseases before the invention of medical science.

2.    Today, medical science has proved that honey helps cure mild symptoms of cold and cough; it has many other health benefits. Therefore, it is part of many medicines.  How much honey should I take? Doctors advise taking two to four tablespoons of honey per day to reduces the length of the common cold by up two days. 

How should I take honey? Honey could be taken raw or be mixed with hot milk or water. From the above discussion, it is clear that honey is a must-have at homes in winters; it will not only help you with the cold but also sweetens your life with its sweetness. 

3.    Drink a lot: 

Research says drinking a lot of fluid helps combat the cold, flu, and fever because, during the cold, our body gets dehydrated due to the runny nose and constant sweating. Drinking plenty of fluids keep your body hydrated, and hence happens a speedy recovery from the flu.


How much should I drink? Doctors recommend drinking a minimum of eight 250 mL cups each day during cold, but you should not overdo it; only drink as much as your stomachs can take. 

What should I drink? You can drink any fluid as long as you are not prohibited from taking it; water or any other healthy drink like warm milk is highly recommended in the cold.

4.    Complete rest: Sleep is a powerful healing tool. It gives your body some time to repair. It boosts up your immune system and hence helps you get rid of cold, flu, or even many other diseases as well.

How much rest should I take? The doctors recommend taking a lot of rest during the cold, and you can take rest anywhere from 12 to 15 hours. You can cure a cold at home with almost no effort with your kitchen stuff, be proactive and take timely actions.

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