Best Healthy Energy Drinks For Safe Winter

Healthy Energy Drinks
Winter is a time when days are short, dark and busy. In these fatigued and lazy days, all of us need an energy drink to make ourselves cozy, active and alert. Energy drinks contain caffeine, stimulants, antioxidants, herbal extracts, amino acids, taurine and sweeteners or sugar. A best healthier energy drink has less sugar and calories with a suitable amount of caffeine, which can keep people energized, focused, mentally and physically stimulated for a long time. 

Here are some healthy energy drinks for a slothful winter with different types.

Red Bull A Fast Pick Me Up

It is a very popular and desired brand throughout the world. Having caffeine and sugar blend with electrolytes, it gives an extra jerk of energy.                

Homemade Healthier Energy Drinks

Energy drinks can maintain a balance of vitamins, electrolytes and nutrients to upgrade the body. Naturally, essential vitamins are provided by following homemade energy drinks. 

Coffee With Butter

People who are very conscious about their health and fitness can intake a cup of buttered coffee, which contains balanced amounts of caffeine with the smooth taste of butter. It gives energy calmly instead of a stroke of energy by highly caffeinated drinks.      


All types of teas are without caffeine. Some contain organic maple syrup. When these are mixed with superfoods like turmeric or ginger, these provide a rapid boost of vigor.                     

Turmeric And Ginger Drink

It is a top healthy and safe energy drink. In two peeled pieces of ginger add 1\2 cup juice of ginger root, 1\2 tsp cardamom and 1\2 tsp of turmeric with honey (per taste) in hot water. It will serve as an amazing energy booster as all the ingredients increase vigor with improved and high blood circulation.

Rock star (pure zero) Energy Drinks For Workouts

It contains 160mg caffeine, 0 sugar, 0 calories along with a blend of b-vitamins, ginseng, guarana and taurine. In many flavors, it is designed especially for students and those who have to work for a long time and need a rock star-like active lifestyle.

Nutrients Swan Energy Drink

Mixing salt, lime, honey and refreshing coconut water can provide a blend of nutrients. A lot of athletes, workers, or other people can carry a bottle of it to provide a rapid pick me up to them.  

Energy Drinks
Runa A Clean And Healthy Energy Drink

It is an organic energy drink with zero sugar, polyphenols, L-theanine and 50 calories per can. It has been made from guayusa which is a tree-brewed leaf like a tea leaf. Being clean is best for health concerned people.

Health Concerns Of Energy Drinks

Less sugar and 400 mg daily intake of caffeine are safe and useful. But longtime use of highly caffeinated drinks causes negative neurotransmitter production which makes people lazy instead of energized.

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