Kitchen Cleaning and Kitchen Organizing Tips Save Money & Time

Kitchen Cleaning and Kitchen Organizing

Everyone knows that in our daily lives we face so many little problems, especially in the kitchen. With little effort, we can make our life easier. I am going to share some useful kitchen tips and tricks in this article.
Fruits and veggies cleaning is very important in our life, we can wash Fruits and veggies without harsh chemicals
To remove grit, grime, and pesticides, Scrub with a mixture of baking soda and water.

Keep recipes devices clean

These days we all are cooking via recipes. For this purpose, we need a mobile phone or laptop (any device) but sometimes you want to touch the recipe unintentionally, for this problem you can use foil paper to cover the device and use anyway.

When using a cookbook or recipe card, keep it away from spatters, Laptop stands are another effective tool to elevate cookbooks off your workspace.

Give new life to the wooden spoons 

If your wooden spoons don’t look like they were, add 1 spoon of baking soda, 1 spoon of dish wash in water and boil them in a pot of water for about 10 minutes. Let them dry in sunlight

Coffee grinder cleaning

To remove the stuck-on grinder, toss a few chunks of stale bread into the small appliance, then dump the crumbs. The coffee will stick to the bread.

Skim the fat

Remove out excess fat from stocks, stews, and sauces by skimming a few ice cubes wrapped in a paper towel or cheesecloth along the surface of the liquid. The ice helps the fat solidify, making it easier to remove with a spoon.

Separate egg yolks from egg whites

Crack an egg into a bowl, and then invert an empty water bottle above the yolk, squeezing in the sides of the bottle. As the mouth of the bottle makes contact with the yolk, release the pressure on the bottle.

Peel potatoes without a peeler

Boil the potatoes for few minutes, then giving them an ice bath. This is called the blanching method. The skin will separate from the potato’s center so you can pick it right off.

Make wooden cutting boards look new

Scrub a wooden cutting board with coarse salt and massage with half a lemon to clean away food particles, food stains and food smells. To keep wooden boards new in condition, do once a month, condition by scrubbing with food-grade mineral oil. 

Kitchen Cleaning and Kitchen Organizing


Keep you and your family safe from cross-contamination. Keep Always two cutting boards in your kitchen — one for raw meat and the other for everything else. It’ll help separate uncooked meat juices from fruit and veggies.  

Always dry the sponges

Choose an upside-down binder clip as a little stand to keep a kitchen sponge upright. It’ll dry faster than the sponges. Plus, decreasing moisture, germs, mold, and there will be less chance to buildup the stink.

Cover sharp edges

The safest way of knife storage is a block which will also prevent blade dulling. To keep knives from dulling, store them upside down in the knife block. After chopping, transfer food to a pan or bowl using the back of a knife, rather than the blade across the cutting board.

Fight with fires

As we know that Prevention is our best defense against fire. If your fire extinguisher isn’t in your reach, before stopping, dropping, and rolling, sprinkle baking soda onto a small grease or electrical fire to extinguish the flames. When heated, baking soda releases carbon dioxide, which helps stifle the fire.

Kitchen Cleaning and Kitchen Organizing

Remove cooking smells from your hands

If you cut down the onion or garlic and now you are worried about the bad smell of onion and garlic, here is a tip to get rid of the bad smell. Rub your hands with lemon, a slice of potato, baking soda, or holding on to something made of stainless steel.

Surprised! Stainless steel? When you touch the material, the molecules in the steel bind with the stinky which causing molecules such as sulfur from garlic.

How to keep potatoes white

Always keep shredded and diced potatoes in cold water before cooking. It will prevent the spuds from turning that gross grayish/brown caused by the release of starch that makes them oxidize.

Make Slow down the rotting 

As we all know that the tomatoes spoil very quickly so Store the tomato's stem ends down to keep them from spoiling because this will prevents air from entering.

Recent research reveals that the method of storage in the fridge or storage on the countertop did not significantly affect the taste or juiciness of tomatoes.

Give longer life to bananas

Banana is a very sensitive fruit. To keep bananas fresh for a longer time, wrap the end of the bunch with plastic wrap. It will be better, separate each banana. Both Tips block ethylene gases from releasing out of the stem, thereby ripening the fruit very fast.

Kitchen Cleaning and Kitchen Organizing

Prevent the fruit from browning

You have probably heard that the lemon juice can keep apple slices from looking unappetizing on the other hand if you mix 1 part Honey to 2 parts water it will work the same way to keep fruits from Browning. Citric acid and Vitamin C in lemon juice and a peptide in Honey slow down the process of discoloration

Save brown sugar from hardening

You have made cookies, and you find your brown sugar hardened then think about this trick that will Help brown sugar stay soft and scoopable, Tossing the orange peel or a slice of apple along with the sugar into an airtight container.

Another tip for a quick fix is, microwave brown sugar along with a small glass of water. Moisture the water released into the microwave will help break up the block of sugar.

Guess if eggs are still (incredibly) edible

Our nose alone won’t always tell us if eggs have gone bad. To find out, gently place uncooked eggs in a bowl of cold water. If an egg sinks to the bottom, it’s fine and we can use it to cook. If it floats, it’s unable to eat.

How to remove eggshell pieces from batter?

No one likes crunchy pieces in their cake or brownies. There are two solutions. One is, just wet your fingers and reach right in, it’s simple but it really works.

Another alternative is, scoop up bits of the broken eggshell with half of your already cracked egg. The shell acts as a magnet to draw up shell pieces without wasting.

Peel boiled eggs in a big batch

To Peel off a big batch of eggs at a time by shaking them in any lidded container. Smash, bang, boom! Shells are cracked and ready to shake right off.

The fresher your eggs, the harder it is to remove their shells when hard-boiled. To Solve this predicament add baking soda or vinegar to the water when boiling eggs...

Make citrus fruits juicier

To get the most juice out of a lemon, refrigerate, and then microwave it for 15 to 20 seconds. Another tip is to Roll the citrus fruits before squeezing them, cut them lengthwise.

How to make cheese grating easier

Before grating the cheese freeze it for about 30 minutes. This hardens it up, making it easier to grate. Slice soft cheeses such as brie and goat cheese with unflavored dental floss to avoid squishing them. This trick also works for cake, cheesecake, and cookie dough logs.

Prevent onions from making you weep

put on your swimming goggles to protect your eyes while you chop. To stop onion-induced tears, freeze them before chopping. (Note: This trick only works if you’re planning to cook the onions later — otherwise, after the onion thaws out, the raw pieces will be a bit soggy!)

Buttermilk solution

To make your own buttermilk, add a tablespoon of vinegar or lemon juice to 1 cup of regular milk. The mixture won’t get as thick and creamy as the real thing, but it will help create fluffy baked goods just the same. Buttermilk adds richness to muffins, pancakes, and bread.

De-crystallize honey

Place the honey container in a bowl of hot water for 5 to 10 minutes.

Keep pots from boiling over

To avoid over boiling, put a wooden spoon across the top of the pot. Because wood is not a good material for conducting heat.

Save fresh herbs for later use

Any of the family members bought too much basil or mint?  Chopped the herbs and place a newspaper or tissue paper in the base of the lidded pot, put chopped herbs and cover with paper or with a tissue. In this way, the herbs will remain fresh until 2 weeks because paper or tissue sucks the moisture. Another tip is to Use an ice cube tray or muffin tin to freeze fresh chopped herbs in water, olive oil, or stock for later use as a seasoning agent.

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