Growing Old | 5 tips to stay Healthy and Fit as you

Growing Old |  Healthy and Fit

Growing older? We don’t like getting old, do we?

Do you know what is the hardest thing about getting older?

It is the fear of getting sick and weak as we age.

Getting sick sucks! Doesn’t it?

Do you know? aging is one of the most beautiful phases of life, the meaning of growing old is being more mature, wiser and more experienced. One who has seen the world and knows a lot about it but with age comes to the weakness and your mind and body needs some extra care.

We cannot alter our aging process, but we can control being healthy and fit.

When you are healthy every age is beautiful as they say, age is just a number. Age is just a number but when you are healthy and fit.

Staying in shape is not just a myth but is a process of determination, consistency and discipline.

Here are our top 5 tips to stay healthy, fit and growing old gracefully.

Stay Physically active

As we are growing old our body is getting weaker, that is another bad thing about growing old, our body is subjected to many chronic diseases such as heart diseases, osteoporosis, diabetes, high blood pressure and cancer. Therefore, at this stage, our bodies tend to be more physically active than ever.

Growing old together

“Solitude is fine, but you need someone to tell that solitude is fine.”

Honoré de Balzac

Interacting more with other people, sharing your thoughts, feelings, ideas and emotions with them have been scientifically proven to reduce depression, anxiety and restlessness.

Spend more time with your family, call your old friend, Why don’t try going on a walk with someone close to your heart? Speak your heart out with them, it makes your heart lighter and never forget to have fun. It'll have remarkable benefits for your health.

Healthy diet

Your body needs proper nutrition, foods that are high in fiber and low in saturated fat should be the foundation of your diet. Have a proper diet plan preferably after consulting with a nutritionist.

Or you can follow the Mediterranean diet, the Mediterranean diet emphasizes olive oil, nuts, seeds, fruit and vegetables, whole grains, legumes, and fish. It’s low in red meat, full-fat dairy products, and processed foods.

Schedule checkups and taking all medications on time

Your health is your top priority. Take all medications on time, have a stock of all your medication already present in your house, and never miss a scheduled checkup with your dentist, eye doctor, nutritionist, or healthcare specialist.

Remember, a proactive approach tends to nullify problems early and cure them before they become bigger problems, stay proactive!

Schedule medications

Proper sleeping routine

Minimum 7 to 8 hours of sleep in 24 hours is recommended to adults over the age of 65 by The National Sleep Foundation, if you find it hard it may be a sign of insomnia, in that case, immediately consult with your doctor.

Do you know what’s the age of Tom Cruise and Aneel Kapoor? Do let us know down below in the comments.

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