Building Muscles at Home Without Equipment

Building Muscles at Home Without Equipment

One of the most common issues among teenagers and adults is bodybuilding. Almost each and every person wants to build muscles but the majority of them have issues in affording a gym as gyms can be expensive.
Gyms may even make it difficult for a person with a low salary to afford it. In short, it is a luxury not everyone can afford. If you want to build muscles, there are several ways of doing so other than going to the gym.
Home workouts can be quite effective in building muscles. There are several exercises that do not require any weights, treadmills, or other costly equipment for you to boost your muscle growth.

Best Home Exercises for Muscle Growth  

  • Push-ups
  • Jogging
  • Pull-ups
  • Crunches
  • Calisthenics


The most effective exercise is push-ups. It is good for the workouts at home. Push-ups hit the whole upper body. Your shoulders, chest, back, and arms pumps after push-ups. This exercise uses our whole body as the weight that results in increasing your triceps and biceps muscles  For a newbie, push-ups may seem like something impossible but with everyday practice, you build your stamina and gradually increase the number of push-ups you perform in a day.


Jogging is an exercise that will surely help you in achieving your goal of building muscles fast. A person new to exercising must start with walking and jogging. Afterward, the muscles in your body become strong and then go for running and sprinting. It will be hard if you are running for the first time but just keep in mind that good things come after hardships. Running not only makes you physically healthy but also mentally healthy.


Building Muscles
Pull-ups come after push-ups. It is an excellent exercise to do at home and to make your upper body strong and muscular. Like push-ups, it also hits your arms, back, shoulders, and chest but this is not easy to do. If you can't do upright pull-ups then start from flat pull-ups. Slowly, you will get stronger and will gradually increase the number of pull-ups. Chin-ups are another variant of pull-ups that are best for gaining biceps muscles. 


Building Muscles
Crunches are a type of exercise that hits your belly and waist. Even a newbie can do crunches easily. It strengthens your core muscles and abdominal muscles. Start with as many crunches as you can do and gradually increase the number of crunches. 


Calisthenics means bodyweight exercises. In other words, it means pushing your limit. You have to continuously challenge your body and push your limit, this will make your body stronger. The best calisthenics exercises include one-arm push-ups, plank, one-arm chin-up, etc.  In the start, it may seem like these exercises are breaking your body but eventually, your body becomes more muscular and stronger.

Building Muscles

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