7 pilates exercises for the perfect back neckline

7 Pilates Exercises For The Perfect Back Neckline

7 pilates exercises for the perfect back neckline
7 pilates exercises for the perfect back neckline

If you want to look beautiful in your summer clothes and bikinis, you need to focus not only on the side of your body you see in the mirror but also on the parts of your back that does not attract your attention. These 7 pilates exercises will make you look more upright, smoother and even taller by making positive changes in your posture, as well as recovering the back muscles you neglected. Here are 7 pilates exercises for the perfect back neckline.

Neither chest nor legs, the trend of recent years is back décolleté! Healthy muscles, an upright posture and strong shoulders are indispensable for a beautiful back.


Many people

neglect to work their back area by focusing on the abdominal muscles they see in the mirror every day. On the other hand, weak back muscles both cause difficulties in doing physical work in daily life, and cause the body to bend forward, deteriorating posture, and create a hunchbacked appearance.


7 pilates exercises for the perfect back neckline
7 pilates exercises for the perfect back neckline

Mata lies face down. Keep legs closed and stretch arms forward near the ears (A). Inhale, exhale and lift your arms and legs at the same time as you lift from the ground to the end of the rib cage (B). Breathe upstairs and land on your stomach. As you exhale, return to the starting position and repeat 5 times.


7 pilates exercises for the perfect back neckline
7 pilates exercises for the perfect back neckline

Stand upright, with a hands-on waist. Inhale, bend at the waist while exhaling, bringing your body parallel to the ground. While breathing in, stretch one leg backward, while extending the arms forward on either side of the head. Lift your leg until your hips are even. To keep your balance, use support from the leg on the floor (A). Bring the hands to the sides of the head, bending the elbows while exhaling (B). Pull your stomach inwards. Inhale, arms

reach forward. Make this movement 3 breaths. (Extend your arms forward while breathing in, bend the elbows while exhaling, bring the hands to the side of both ears, and the shoulder blades toward each other behind the back). Come back to the starting point by breathing out. Switch to the other leg. Beginners can practice 4 repetitions, intermediate and advanced 6 reps.


7 pilates exercises for the perfect back neckline
7 pilates exercises for the perfect back neckline

Take a plank position on the feet and hands. The wrists are below the shoulders and the toes are attached to the mat while the legs lie straight (A). Now with the left arm still, rotate the body sideways and reach the sideways plank position by extending the right arm upwards (B). Hold tight, especially the lower abdomen. In the meantime, the right foot will naturally pass in front of the left foot… While exhaling, lower your upper arm with one move and extend it under the abdomen (C). Lift the lever up again. Let your gaze follow your hand, but if you have

a problem with your neck, keep the gaze at a point in the future. Return to the down plank position by placing the right arm beside the left arm. Now, with the right arm still, repeat the movement by turning the body in the opposite direction and lifting the left arm up. Perform between 2-5 repetitions in both directions, based on your training history.


7 pilates exercises for the perfect back neckline
7 pilates exercises for the perfect back neckline

In the prone position, bend the elbows and place the hands on either side of the face. Keep the legs open at hip distance. While breathing in, push the ground with the hands to come to the cobra position and the back is raised. Standoff the ground up to the belly button (A). As you exhale, bend elbows

and lower arms to the floor. Go down to the end of the ribcage and lift the right leg straight up (B). While breathing, put the leg on the ground, while exhaling, the upper back is raised

and return to the cobra position and apply with the other leg. Do 4-6 reps with both legs.


7 pilates exercises for the perfect back neckline
7 pilates exercises for the perfect back neckline

Position on all fours, with wrists below the shoulders and knees below the hips. Inhale, while exhaling, extend the right arm to the side of the ear while simultaneously extending the left leg straight back. While the tips of the fingers point forward, the tips of

the toes reach back. Pull your stomach in, arm and leg parallel to the floor. Make sure both sides of the hips are equal. While breathing, lower the arm and leg into the starting position and apply in the other direction. Work 4-6 reps in both directions.


7 pilates exercises for the perfect back neckline
7 pilates exercises for the perfect back neckline

Mata lies face down. Keep your forehead on the ground. Extend the arms forward on either side of the head and spread the legs hip-distance apart. Inhale, while exhaling, simultaneously removes the head, right arm and left leg up to the rib cage. Your head is between your shoulders, your gaze towards the mat and your nape long. As you breathe, come towards the ground and repeat for the other arm and leg. Make sure you make both sides the same number of times. Try 4-6 reps.


7 pilates exercises for the perfect back neckline

7 pilates exercises for the perfect back neckline
7 pilates exercises for the perfect back neckline

Sit on your hips. Keep your legs open and long at hip distance. Activate your legs by pulling your toes towards you, that is, by flexing. Spread your arms shoulder-width apart (A). While breathing, rotate the trunk to the right,

extend your left arm diagonally towards your right foot. While exhaling, use the abdominal muscles to move the head and trunk forward, extending forward with the left arm from the side of the right foot, while extending the back arm backward (B). As you breathe, stand up, your back straight as if there is a wall behind you. Extend from the coccyx to the crown of the head and pull your abdomen in. Repeat on the other side. Apply 4-6 repetitions in both directions.

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